During an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Hercules actor Brett Goldstein opened up about his recent inclusion in Thor: Love and Thunder.“Once I agreed, they put a chip in your brain at Marvel, and my head will explode like Scanners if I say any more,” he said.When asked if he’s ready to go against Chris Hemsworth’s Thor, he appears to be confident. “Yeah, I mean, he seems like a small guy,” Goldstein gagged. “We’re a similar build.“In Marvel Comics, it’s safe to say that Hercules could overpower Thor in terms of superhuman strength. It was demonstrated several times in the source material that he even singlehandedly defeated Hulk, a feat that not even Thor could reach. As an Olympian, Hercules doesn’t also age and is immune to any disease.If the question is, can he defeat Thor in a battle? The short answer is yes. However, Hercules’ character arc in the source material is as complex as Loki’s. Initially introduced as a villain, Hercules transitioned to a hero and even became an ally of the Avengers. Nonetheless, we are all still clueless about what Marvel Studios plans for the character, but what’s certain for now is that we can expect him in future Thor-related projects.Thor: Love and Thunder is still showing in theaters worldwide. Also read: Thor: Love and Thunder’s Hercules Actor Breaks Silence About His MCU Future

MCU s Hercules Actor on Possible Showdown with Thor   He Seems Like a Small Guy  - 3