The Chainsaw Man anime series is being produced by studio MAPPA, with Ryū Nakayama and Makoto Nakazomo served to direct the show, and Hiroshi Seko wrote the show. On December 14, 2020, an anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man produced by MAPPA was announced, and the series was revealed at Jump Festa 21 as part of the Jump Studio series of stage presentations, which were broadcasted online on December 19 to 20, 2020. It was announced that the anime is set to release in 2022. You can read more details about the Chainsaw Man anime’s release date, plot, cast, trailers, and more information below:

Chainsaw Man Release Date: When is Season 1 expected to premiere?

On May 16, Crunchyroll announced that it will stream the anime adaptation of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man manga later this year in over 200 countries and territories around the world. Crunchyroll confirmed that it will stream the anime in Japanese with English subtitles, and a version with English dub. Chainsaw Man will also get French, German, Latin American Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese dubs. However, no exact release dates have been officially confirmed, but it’s expected to release this fall, so the anime will likely be released in October, at the earliest. We will update you here once they announce a premiere date for any regions.

Chainsaw Man Trailer: Is there already a teaser or full trailer released?

Yes, the first trailer for Chainsaw Man was released on June 27, 2021. The trailer doesn’t give away any major plot details, but it accurately shows the energetic action-packed tone that fans of the manga series would be familiar with.

In December 2021, a second teaser trailer was released, revealing some of the scenes from the manga that we’re expected to see in the highly-anticipated anime adaptation, as well as confirming a 2022 release date. Watch the second trailer for Chainsaw Man below:

On May 16, Crunchyroll released a new trailer for Chainsaw Man that features same footages from the first trailer.

On Aug. 5, a new trailer was released for Chainsaw Man featuring more intense footage:

On Sept. 19, a new trailer for Chainsaw Man was released, and you can watch it below:

Chainsaw Man Plot: What is Season 1 of the anime series going to be about?

The first part of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s Chinsaw Man manga was published between 2018 and 2020, with a second part already confirmed. Right now, it’s unclear how much of the manga the first season of the anime adaptation will adapt, but you can read a description below. Chainsaw Man is being described as darker and gorier than Tokyo Ghoul. Crunchyroll shared an official description for Chainsaw Man:

The producers of Chainsaw Man confirmed that the adaptation will not shy away from the manga’s ultra-violence. When asked how the anime was going to handle the manga’s explicit content, the show’s producers reiterated their desire to create a faithful adaptation. “We are not censoring anything. We want to be true to the source material,” the anime’s producer said.

The Chainsaw Man manga recently launched its School Arc, so don’t expect the first season to conclude the entire story. At Anime Expo 2022, producer Makoto Kimura talked about Denji as a protagonist, and he says that there is no other leads like him under the manga’s publisher, Shueisha. “The part that really attracted me to the title is something we’ve mentioned a bit. Denji has a a very different hero image. Usually when you have a Shonen Jump title, there are three traits heroes exhibit: perseverance, friendship, and loyalty. But here, it’s very different,” Kimura said. “Denji is not something that you would see in those titles. He even laughs like a villain, you know? It’s just a different perspective of what you see in a protagonist. So, I thought that was going to be really interesting.”

Chainsaw Man Episode Count: How many episodes will Season 1 have?

According to MAPPA, there will be a total of 12 episodes for Chainsaw Man Season 1. This is half the amount that previous rumors claimed. The anime will follow a weekly release schedule starting on Oct. 11, so you’ll get new episodes for around three months (if there are no breaks).

Chainsaw Man Cast: Who are the voice actors and crew members confirmed for Season 1?

Although Studio MAPPA already started production for the anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man, the cast is still not known, which is somewhat odd. It’s likely that the Japanese voice actors and English voice actors will be announced as the anime approaches its release date, but right now, the cast remains a mystery. However, we know some of the crew members for the first season of Chainsaw Man. Here are the crew members for Chainsaw Man Season 1:

Ryū Nakayama as the director (Jujutsu Kaisen)Hiroshi Seko as the script director (Dorohedoro)Kazutaka Sugiyama as the character designer (Mushoku Tensei)Tatsuya Yoshihara as the action director (Black Clover)Makoto Nakazono as the chief director (SSSS.Gridman)Naomi Nakano as the colour designer (Sword Art Online: Alicization)Youhei Miyahara as the layout designer (Scrapped Princess)Kensuke Ushio is the composer (Devilman: Crybaby)Kiyotaka Oshiyama as the devil designer (Devilman: Crybaby)Yūsuke Takeda as the art director (Vinland Saga)Keisuke Seshita as the animation producer (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Where to watch Chainsaw Man?

Chainsaw Man will be available to stream on Crunchyroll, with dubs in English, French, German, Latin American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese to follow the original Japanese release. Sadly, Netflix doesn’t have any plans to release Chainsaw Man on its streaming service. .

Chainsaw Man Release Date  Plot  Cast  Trailer   Everything You Need to Know - 63