In case you missed its announcement, the upcoming panel will feature MAPPA staff who are working on the anime, including executive producer Makoto Kimura and CEO Manabu Otsuka. According to AnimeTV Japan, the highly anticipated Chainsaw Man anime panel at the Crunchyroll Expo will take place during the event’s final day on August 7 at 1 PM. The report did not mention a time zone, but it’s presumably 1 PM Pacific time as the event will take place in San Jose, California. While the date and time have been revealed, there’s no word yet on what exactly will be announced. Though there is hope that fans will get something big as “new things will be shown” according to another update. The most recent Chainsaw Man panel happened at Anime Expo 2022. While this panel did not reveal a new trailer or announce new information, it did give us some interesting details about the upcoming anime, including how it won’t be censored. The Chainsaw Man anime is one of the most anticipated shows of the year, thanks in large part to the manga’s popularity. In case you’re unfamiliar, this upcoming anime by MAPPA is based on the manga of the same name that was written by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Part 1 of the manga was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from December 2018 to December 2020. Chainsaw Man returned with Part 2 which began with chapter 98. Released last week, chapter 98 was a big hit as it got over 3 million views in under 24 hours. Following its release, the series trended online in several countries. New chapters of the manga are released every week. Meanwhile, the Chainsaw Man anime is set to release later in 2022.

Chainsaw Man Panel at Crunchyroll Expo  Date and Time Announced - 25