A Loki Survived Death from Thanos in One Surprising Way

Classic Loki seems to be the eldest of all the Loki variants that have been introduced in the MCU and his existence proves that Loki lives beyond his supposed death in the hands of the Mad Titan upon breaking his neck when Thanos invaded the ship of the New Asgard while he was collecting all the infinity stones and one owned Loki, the tesseract or the space stone. From the moment Loki was introduced in the MCU, he has always been drawn to the tesseract as he has seen in various films he appeared on. One of which was in Thor: Ragnarok that when he was about to summon Surtur and cause the end of Asgard to defeat Hela, he took a step back to get the space stone in his possession. It is also the same stone that brought Loki to the attention of the TVA. However, for the story of one Loki, the Classic Loki, he was able to evade death and escape it from the hands of the Mad Titan and his means were surprising as ever. While in their hideout, the place of the throne of Kid Loki, they were sharing stories as to how they got detected by TVA and what their nexus event is. Kid Loki killed Thor, Boastful Loki got all the six stones, and Alligator Loki seemingly ate the wrong neighbor’s cat. As for Classic Loki, his story was mesmerizing. He told his story about how he lived that long to reach old age. He escaped Thanos by conjuring an illusion so real that it was believable that he died. He faked his death. He hid as inanimate debris and after that, he just drifted in space away from everything. However, he realized that wherever he goes, pain follows. He decided to live on an isolated planet for a long time. It only did his loneliness and that made him decide to go back. However, he never got the chance because the moment he tried to take off and return to where he rightfully belongs, the TVA stepped in and took him as his existence, just then, was discovered and created his own nexus event that would trigger the alarms of the organization. Further in the episode, it was as if Classic Loki realized in the words of Mobius that it is not too late to change. In the end, he conjured one of the best illusions ever cast in the MCU as he re-created Asgard to distract Alioth. Before being devoured by the gargantuan creature, he finally found his glorious purpose and, in the end, died a hero. All episodes of Loki Season 1 are available to stream on Disney+.

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